Industrie-Vereinigung Krefeld-Uerdingen und Rheinhafen e.V.
Since 2006, CERTUSS has been a member of the 'Industrie-Vereinigung Krefeld-Uerdingen und Rheinhafen e.V'. The association forms a strong network in this region.

Die Familienunternehmer e.V.
The business association 'Die Familienunternehmer e.V.' considers family businesses the backbone of the social market economy and advocates the interests of German family businesses. CERTUSS has been a member since 2006.

zdi-Zentrum KReMINTec e.V.
The joint initiative 'Zukunft durch Innovation.NRW' (abbr.:zdi) is committed to the regional promotion of young talent in the scientific and technical "MINT subjects" mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, and technology. CERTUSS has been a partner of KReMINTec e.V., the Krefeld zdi center, since 2013.

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