Ningbo No. 6 Hospital, China
The Ningbo No. 6 Hospital in the city of the same name – Ningbo, China – is a hospital with more than 300 beds. CERTUSS steam generators were purchased by Ningbo Condor Import & Export CO. LTD for the hospital in Ningbo.
The steam system was supplied by CERTUSS as a complete boiler house installation with a compact design with all accessories, including piping, electrical subdistribution, feed water tank, heat exchanger, steam dryer and desalination system.
The CERTUSS gas burner with modulating output regulation, innovative air preheating and the use of two-stage burner technology are unbeatable advantages with regard to short heat-up times and efficiency.
The system is operated fully automatically. Continual monitoring by the operating personnel is not necessary. Energy consumption is further reduced through the use of CERTUSS flue gas heat exchangers. Exhaust gas heat is used to increase the feed water temperature here. At full steam production, the burner output is reduced and fuel use und CO² output are lowered by around 5%.
Equipment of the complete system
- 2 CERTUSS UNIVERSAL TC 600 steam generators, gas combustion
- Supplied as boiler house installation ready for operation via CERTUSS CVE supply unit
The cascade installation allows the CERTUSS system to quickly adjust to the respective steam demand. The interplay between the steam generators within the double system enables automatic switching between the main boiler and reserve boiler. This not only reduces fuel consumption considerably, but also ensures the same operating hours for both steam generators.